Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Things I've Learned During My Internship...

An entry in progress... Think of this as part one.

Well, it's been just under a month since my internship started. These are just a few of the things I've learned so far...

  • Even if it looks like it won't rain... It will. A lot. So always pack an umbrella.

  • The bus has a schedule. It's called the "plus or minus five minutes from when it's supposed to arrive" schedule. And it will still get you to your downtown stop before or just on the time it's supposed to.

  • The lawyer who you ride the bus home with will wear basketball shorts every day that he doesn't have to be in court.

  • Starbucks' free wi-fi, like their coffee, is awesome.

  • Jeopardy! and Wheel of Fortune are, and always will be, a nightly ritual. Yelling out answers is perfectly acceptable.

  • Crushing your thumb between the side of a box truck and the safety gate in the box truck will hurt like nothing else...and leave you with a red thumb and partially blue nail.

  • While it will be tiring to load and unload a box truck twice and then reload it once more, the real pain will come the next morning when you realie you can't move to get out of bed.

  • There is more than one CVS on Forbes Avenue.

  • Getting to know your bus drivers is a good thing.

  • So is making conversation with your fellow passengers.

  • Making calls to volunteers is nerve-wracking, but it gets easier.

  • When emailing volunteers about the incentive points they've accrued, you very well may email the wrong person with the same name. Just apologize to the other person. They'll be more understanding than you'd think.

And so far, that's what I've learned (other than using Outlook, PeopleSoft, and other fun skills) thus far...


  1. The lawyer who you ride the bus home with will wear basketball shorts every day that he doesn't have to be in court. - That's crazy you noticed that! That sounds like some serious people-watching.

  2. Thanks for the comment! Keep a look out for people watching part two, coming soon.

  3. That's cool that you talk to people on the bus. Sometimes I've considered doing that, but didn't want to end up talking to a weirdo, or have them think that I'M the weirdo! Hehe.
